Young Voices in Action
We are proud to share that today some of our Form 3 students participated in their very first debate as part of the Young Parliamentarians
We are proud to share that today some of our Form 3 students participated in their very first debate as part of the Young Parliamentarians
At BCSS, we believe in recognising and rewarding students who demonstrate exemplary behaviour. Today, we celebrated those who consistently show kindness, respect, and responsibility by
Ilbieraħ kienet ġurnata ferm speċjali għal Anne Vella u għall-iskola tagħna għaliex Anne rċeviet s-Sagrament tal-Griżma tal-Isqof. “L-Ispirtu s-Santu jgħinna nħobbu lil xulxin fid-differenzi ta’
The ekoskola team today learnt the process of how salt is collected from Xwejni. Labelled Gozo’s ‘white gold’ by a German journalist, we are blessed
Our amazing School Council students were all smiles today as they delivered flower orders to their fellow classmates! Their hard work and dedication made sure
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our School Open Evening! It was a pleasure welcoming you and showcasing the vibrant community that makes
Our Form 2 Science students investigated mixing of different substances under various conditions to deduct whether a physical change or a chemical reaction is happening.
The Eko-skola team has promoted seasonal eating and has produced a 2025 calendar that was sold recently. These calendars shall be available for purchase at
Our Form 1 students learning how to programme a robot in order to follow directions in their ICT lessons