Young Voices in Action
We are proud to share that today some of our Form 3 students participated in their very first debate as part of the Young Parliamentarians
BCSS takes pride in being a Catholic school, not only on paper but also in practice. Christianity is not only a religion to be practiced within certain spaces, but a way of life. This is something we incorporate at our school, both on a policy level but also on a personal level. A main pillar of Christianity is loving one another regardless of background, ability, race, or religion, which is why inclusion is a priority for us. We do our best to ensure there is equity in the processes by which students are accepted at our school. I make use of the word equity because each student has her own special needs and requirements, and we try to ensure we distribute our attention fairly and accordingly.
We are proud to share that today some of our Form 3 students participated in their very first debate as part of the Young Parliamentarians
At BCSS, we believe in recognising and rewarding students who demonstrate exemplary behaviour. Today, we celebrated those who consistently show kindness, respect, and responsibility by
Ilbieraħ kienet ġurnata ferm speċjali għal Anne Vella u għall-iskola tagħna għaliex Anne rċeviet s-Sagrament tal-Griżma tal-Isqof. “L-Ispirtu s-Santu jgħinna nħobbu lil xulxin fid-differenzi ta’