Our Vision

“Believing in Catholic values, individual potential and lifelong learning, our professional learning community is committed to nurture a respect for diversity and a sense of family in a creative, stimulating, learning environment where, through Christian love, we all collaborate to facilitate our learners` holistic development.”

The school aims to:

1) Create a caring and supportive environment which embraces diversity and equity in which students are given room to grow spiritually, academically, socially and personally.

2) Help the students develop the necessary skills to face the future and reach their goals in society.

3) Provide learning methods which help the students to develop their skills and creativity.

4) Provide the necessary resources to ensure accessibility to learning for all students.

5) Equip learners with self confidence, assertiveness and the ability to perform self assessment for formative purposes.

6) Help students to become democratic citizens having strong characters with an independent mind yet understanding that everybody has a role to play in making the world a happier place to live in.

7) Support its academic as well as administrative staff in catering for all of its as well as the students’ needs and abilities.

8) Encourage collaboration and unity between all the relevant stakeholders to ensure inclusion and accountability.