Form 1 Experiment
This week our Form 1 students carried out an experiment to test a leaf for starch. They also had the opportunity to work together as
This week our Form 1 students carried out an experiment to test a leaf for starch. They also had the opportunity to work together as
This morning we warmly welcomed President Emeritus Marie Louise Coleiro Preca in her mission to promote online protection. Whilst reflecting on the innumerable benefits of
During this week’s Photography lesson, our Form 1.1 students experimented with the art of food photography! From vibrant colours to delicious details, every bite was
Members of our School Council attended a training session on school council skills organised by Agenzija Zghazagh. It was indeed a fruitful session! Aġenzija Żgħażagħ
Form 1 students studying French learned about the French tradition of la galette des rois (the “king’s cake”). This is a special way of celebrating
Form 1 students studying French learned about the French tradition of la galette des rois (the “king’s cake”). This is a special way of celebrating
Last Friday, our King’s Trust students had a hands-on experience in food and table preparation. They also had the opportunity to observe the process of
Wasalna fl-aħħar ġurnata tal-Ewwel Term tas-sena skolastika! Illum l-istudenti nġabru flimkien, fi rħula differenti fejn ipparteċipaw fil-quddiesa u raddew ħajr lil Alla. Wara għamlu passejn
Ilbieraħ l-istudenti li qegħdin tal-Ħames Sena kellhom l-opportunità, li flimkien mal-edukaturi qasmu l-Port il-Kbir bil-vapurett għall-Birgu u hemmhekk żaru postijiet storiċi, fosthom żaru l-Palazz tal-Inkwiżitur,
Ilbieraħ l-istudenti li qegħdin fir-Raba’ Sena kellhom l-opportunità, li flimkien mal-edukaturi jżuru postijiet kulturali ġewwa l-Belt Valletta, fosthom il-Barrakka ta’ Fuq, il-Parlament, it-Teatru Manoel u